Watch out for Crete Island.

Watch out for Crete Island.
The Turkish-Greek war is at the door.
In this article, I will explain the struggle between Turkey and Greece in the Mediterranean without bias.
He wants to increase the sea border based on the Greek island of Crete to 12 miles.
Watch out for Crete Island.

Watch out for Crete Island. There is great tension over the island of Crete.
Greece wants to extend its border south of the island of Crete to 12 miles.
The 12-mile maritime border decision prepared by Greece can be presented to the UN.
The Greek President was also defending this thesis, saying that the 12-mile sea border is our natural right.
The new balance of Politics in Europe. Greece may apply to the UN to increase its maritime border to 12 miles. If Greece extends its border to the south of the island of Crete to 12 miles, it means that the maritime border agreement between Turkey and Libya will be broken, which means that there will be a sea and air war in the region.
Greece wanted to conclude a maritime border agreement with Egypt and seize control of the area south of the island of Crete, but Turkey acted sooner and signed a maritime agreement with Libya. This spoiled the plans of Greece.
Watch out for Crete Island. The maritime jurisdiction agreement between Turkey and Libya was signed on 27 November 2019. On September 30, 2020, the UN registered the maritime border agreement signed between Turkey and Libya.
Now Greece has said that it does not accept and approve the maritime border agreement between Turkey and Libya. Through Crete, Greece decided to put its grand plan into action.
The 16th plot is a very important place in the sea area where the island of Crete is located. There is a large amount of underground gas and Hydrocarbon resources in the 16th plot.
For this reason, Greece wants to increase the maritime border of the island of Crete to 12 miles.
Greece then agreed with the USA’s Exxon Mobil Energy Company and Exxon Mobil’s Sanco Swift ship arrived in Crete.
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, said that if Greece extends its maritime border to 12 miles, we will consider it a reason for war.
Greece and Libya.
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias first met with the official and UN-recognized government of Libya and asked for the suspension of the agreement with Turkey, but the official government of Libya did not approve this proposal. Nikos Dendias could not get what he wanted from the official government of Libya. is news of the world based on a true story?
Then, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias met with Haftar, the unofficial government of Libya, on his second expedition. Although this speech ended as Greece wanted, the Haftar administration is not recognized as an official government in Libya and the UN. Realistically, the agreement with Haftar has no formal infrastructure.
Turkey and Syria.
The new balance of Politics in Europe. In response to this initiative of Greece, Turkey started a dialogue with Syrian President Bashar Assad to improve the situation. But the main goal is to sign a maritime border agreement between Turkey and Surya. Russia has a role here and Russia supports this work. We will see an attempt by Surya and Turkey to come together in Moscow and solve the problems through dialogue.
The TRNC issue will be on the table. Russia opened a consulate in the TRNC 2 months ago. Now Syria can have positive initiatives regarding the TRNC. Turkey’s plan is for Surya to recognize the TRNC as a country, with the support of Russia. The second step is the creation of a common maritime border between TRNC, Syria, and Turkey. Surya is aware that he will gain a lot from this agreement and this is in line with Russia’s interests in the region. As it is known, Russia and the Surya government have very close relations.
The new balance of Politics in Europe. Turkey also announced that our relations with Surya have begun to normalize. If this agreement is successful, Turkey, Russia, and Surya will gain from this agreement.
In short, a maritime border agreement between Turkey and Surya in the TRNC may come to the fore shortly.
Egypt and Turkey.
The new balance of Politics in Europe. Egyptian Foreign Minister announced that they could not quickly normalize the situation with Turkey because of Turkey’s policies with Libya.
Before this statement, there was cooperation between Greece and Egypt in terms of both diplomatic and common interests. Greece does not accept the maritime border agreement between Libya and Turkey, and Greece wants to make a maritime border agreement with Egypt.
There is a work on the island of Crete that may have very large and dangerous consequences in the region. Egypt supports Greece to increase its maritime border centered on the island of Crete to 12 miles. This article is neutral and describes the power struggle in the Region.
There is a work on the island of Crete that may have very large and dangerous consequences in the region. Egypt supports Greece to increase its maritime border centered on the island of Crete to 12 miles.
Reminding: This article is neutral and describes the power struggle in the Region.
International Relations, Threat, and Geopolitics Analyst: Kanan Heydarov
Source: Watch out for Crete Island.
Date: 02.12.2022
Global scenario of 2023 and background of wars.
02nd Jan 2023[…] Watch out for Crete Island. […]